Greenviron group offers landscape design advice and consultation at Spruce Meadows Garden Show
As the gardeners anxiously wait the day when all this snow is melted and can start digging, the Greenviron team is busy preparation for garden season 2011.
For now we welcome you to visit the biggest event in Calgary.
Garden show 2011 organized by Calgary Horticultural Society will hold at Spruce Meadows Saturday, April 9 & Sunday, April 10,2011.
The exhibitions open from 9.00A.M to 5.00P.M each day.
Admission: $12 at door, $ 10 pre-sales begin March 25, 2011 here
We look forward to seen you at Marketplace Tent and answer all question regarding your landscape needs. Bring your garden pictures, property garden plan or any support info.
Our Garden Display will feature presentation of garden plans and portfolio of previous Landscape works.
Larissa Klimanova – Owner of Greenviron Group. Larissa is Horticulturist and Landscape designer who likes to share her passion for creating beautiful outdoor spaces and managing gardens in perfect condition.