Fanky styles of wedding bouquets

Proudly made by Greenviron Ltd
January 11, 2014
Plants for prairies
June 15, 2014

Fanky styles of wedding bouquets

Biedermeier bouquets.

Add some European influence with these circles of flowers in a tightly clustered bouquet. Swiss floral designer first created this unique arrangement of flowers in late 1800 used round cluster of flowers arranged in circular patterns, each consisting of the same flower. You may have circle of gerberasat the center and then a ring of red roses along the bottom edges of the round. Orange and lemon peels may be added for scent. ( in this case we didn’t use extra scent)


    • Biedermeier bouquets are ultraformal, ideal for white and black tie weddings.
    • They may also be used for daytime formal weddings, in white, pastel or bright colors.
    • This style of bouquet is ultra- involved and ultra-expensive to construct.